If you have received a citation for an ordinance violation, you may:
- Pay your fine before your court date
You may do this only if the violation is listed below
- Contest the complaint in court
You may do this at the address, date, and time indicated on the citation
If you need further information before you decide, review this information:
Your Rights and Court Procedures
Failure to appear on the court date or pay the fine prior to the court date will result in a warrant being issued for your arrest and may result in suspension of your driver license/privilege.
If the violation is not listed on the fine schedule, you must appear in court.
Partial payments are not accepted.
NOTICE: Credit and debit card payments are accepted no earlier than a week before the court date. There is a nominal fee for this service.
Phone payments are not accepted.
Online: Missouri Case.net
- Click on Case Number Search
- Select the 45th Judicial Circuit
- In the case number field, type the citation number (on the top of your ticket)
- Click Find, then select Plead And Pay
Personal checks are not accepted. Make cashier’s check/money order payable to the appropriate court:
Moscow Mills Municipal Court 995 Main Street Moscow Mills, MO 63362 |
Hawk Point Municipal Court 995 Main Street Moscow Mills, MO 63362 |
Enclose your citation with your signature on the back.
All amounts include fine and court costs.
The charge code may be found on the lower portion of your citation (see below example):
If the “seat belt violation” section is also marked on your citation, an additional $10.00 must be included.
ORD300.0-001N20215499.0 | Operate motorized bicycle on highway – street without valid drivers license | $84.00 |
ORD300.0-002N20215499.0 | Operate motorized bicycle on interstate highway | $84.00 |
ORD300.0-003N20215499.0 | Fail to wear protective headgear when on motorcycle in motion/wear approved gear *** | $58.50 |
ORD300.0-011N20215499.0 | Fail to obey traffic control devices | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-012N20215499.0 | Red light violation | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-014N20215499.0 | Fail to stop at stop sgn at stop line before croswlk/point nearst intrsction | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-015N20215499.0 | Fail to stop at stop sign at stop line/before crosswalk/point nearest intersection – county | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-016N20215499.0 | Failed to stop for flashing red signal at stop line/crosswalk/point nearest intersection | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-017N20215499.0 | Failed to stop for steady red signal at crosswalk/stop line/point nearest intersection | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-021N20215499.0 | Fail to turn as directed or required by intersection traffic control device | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-023N20215499.0 | Failed to proceed with caution past flashing yellow signal | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-024N20215499.0 | Failed to obey official signs temporarily designating lanes | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-025N20215499.0 | Failed to obey official signs temporarily designating lanes – cause immediate threat of accident | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-031N20215499.0 | Failed to yield | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-032N20215499.0 | Fail to slow to reasonable speed for existing conditions for yield sign | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-033N20215499.0 | Failed to yield to vehicle that had entered intersection with no traffic control | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-034N20215499.0 | Failed to yield right of way to pedestrian facing walk signal | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-035N20215499.0 | Fail to yield to approaching vehicle when entering/crossing highway from alley/driveway | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-036N20215499.0 | Fail to yield to approaching vehicle when turning left into alley/private road/driveway | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-037N20215499.0 | Failed to yield right of way to vehicle/pedestrian lawfully in controlled intersection or crosswalk | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-038N20215499.0 | Failed to yield to vehicle on right that entered intersection at approximately same time | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-039N20215499.0 | Fail to yield to vehicle approaching from opposite direction when turning left | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-041N20215499.0 | Fail to yield to emergency vehicle sounding audible siren signal/display lighted visible red/blue light | $114.00 |
ORD300.0-042N20215499.0 | Failure to proceed with caution/yield right-of-way/reduce speed when approaching a stationary emergency vehicle displaying emergency lights | $114.00 |
ORD300.0-051N20215499.0 | Cut in on overtaken vehicle | $114.00 |
ORD300.0-053N20215499.0 | Increased speed while being passed | $114.00 |
ORD300.0-072N20215499.0 | Activated siren/warning lights on emergency vehicle when not in pursuit/on an emergency mission | $114.00 |
ORD300.0-101N20215499.0 | Drove at such slow speed to impede/block normal and reasonable traffic movement | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-102N20215499.0 | Failed to make/approach for left turn within proper lane | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-121N20215499.0 | Driver of motor vehicle failed to wear properly adjusted/fastened safety belt | $43.50 |
ORD300.0-122N20215499.0 | Driver fail to secure child 80 pounds or more or over 4 feet 9 inches in booster seat or safety belt | $43.50 |
ORD300.0-123N20215499.0 | Driver fail to secure child less than 8 years old in a child restraint or booster seat | $83.00 |
ORD300.0-124N20215499.0 | Person less than 18 years of age operating/riding in truck failed to wear properly adjusted/fastened seat belt | $43.50 |
ORD300.0-129N20215499.0 | Seatbelt violation-other | $43.50 |
ORD300.0-131N20215499.0 | Obstructing traffic | $84.00 |
ORD300.0-141N20215499.0 | Cruising | $54.00 |
ORD300.0-151N20215499.0 | Failed to place vehicle not in motion as near right hand side of road as practicable | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-152N20215499.0 | Failed to place vehicle not in motion as near right hand side of road as practicable causing immediate threat of accident | $94.00 |
ORD300.0-119N20215499.0 | Miscellaneous moving violation | $94.00 |
ORD301.0-001N20215499._ | Violation of restrictions/regulations regarding tow trucks | $164.00 |
ORD301.0-011N20215499.0 | Expired plates | $84.00 |
ORD301.0-012N20215499.0 | Failed to register vehicle | $84.00 |
ORD301.0-013N20215499.0 | Vehicle license/inspection/title | $84.00 |
ORD301.0-014N202154__._ | Display/poss plates of another | $84.00 |
ORD301.0-015N202154__._ | Display unlawful plates | $84.00 |
ORD301.0-021N20215499.0 | Operate all-terrain vehicle upon a highway/street not authorized | $84.00 |
ORD301.0-022N20215499.0 | Operate atv on hwy in excess of 30 miles per hour | $94.00 |
ORD301.0-023N20215499.0 | Operate all-terrain vehicle carrying a passenger | $84.00 |
ORD301.0-024N20215499.0 | Operate all-terrain vehicle without proper bicycle safety flag | $84.00 |
ORD301.0-025N20215499.0 | Operate all-terrain vehicle within a stream or river | $183.00 |
ORD301.0-026N20215499.0 | Operate all-terrain vehicle on hwy without operator or chauffeur license | $94.00 |
ORD301.0-029N20215499.0 | Person under 18 years of age operate all-terrain vehicle without securely fastened safety helmet on head | $84.00 |
ORD302.0-001Y20215499.0 | Expired driver’s license | $84.00 |
ORD302.0-012N20215499.0 | Permitted invalidated licensee to operate motorcycle | $104.00 |
ORD302.0-071Y20215499.0 | Violate out-of-service order while transporting hazardous materials – 1st offense | $164.00 |
ORD302.0-073N20215499.0 | Violate out-of-state order while operating motor vehicle designed to transport more than 15 passengers including driver – 1st offense | $164.00 |
ORD304.0-006N20215499.0 | Improper backing | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-007N20215499.0 | Weaving | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-011N20215499.0 | Failure to stay on pavement | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-012N20215499.0 | Drove vehicle to left side of roadway when view obstructed by hill/curve | $164.00 |
ORD304.0-013N20215499.0 | Drove vehicle to left side of roadway within 100 feet of bridge/viaduct/tunnel when view obstructed | $164.00 |
ORD304.0-031N20215499.0 | Drove in center lane of 3-lane road when view obstructed/not clear of traffic | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-032N20215499.0 | Drove in center lane of 3-lane road when view obstructed/not clear of traffic – cause immediate threat of accident | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-041N20215499.0 | Drove wrong direction on street | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-042N20215499.0 | Drove wrong direction on street – cause immediate threat of accident | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-051N20215499.0 | Failed to drive within single lane | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-061N20215499.0 | Failed to drive on right half of roadway when roadway was of sufficient width | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-062N20215499.0 | Failed to drive on right half of roadway when roadway was sufficient width – cause immediate threat of accident | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-071N20215499.0 | Made u-turn/interfered with traffic where vision less than 300 feet – traffic hazard created | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-072N20215499.0 | Made u-turn not at crossover | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-073N20215499.0 | Made u-turn at intersection controlled by traffic signal/police officer | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-074N20215499.0 | Made u-turn not at crossover-cause immediate threat of accident | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-081N20215499.0 | Changed lanes when movement could not be made with safety | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-082N20215499.0 | Changed lanes when movement could not be made with safety – cause immediate threat of accident | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-091N20215499.0 | Illegal/improper turning | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-092N20215499.0 | Turned right on red signal where prohibited by sign | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-093N20215499.0 | Fail to signal/gave improper signal when stopping/turning left or right | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-094N20215499.0 | Entered/traveled in a lane over which a red signal was shown | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-101N20215499.0 | Followed another vehicle too closely | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-102N20215499.0 | Followed another bus/truck closer than 300 ft | $164.00 |
ORD304.0-103N20215499.0 | Truck over 18000 lbs followed another vehicle too closely | $164.00 |
ORD304.0-111N20215499.0 | Improper passing of a streetcar | $114.00 |
ORD304.0-112N20215499.0 | Improper lane use | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-114N20215499.0 | Pass vehicle on right/traveled off main portion of road | $114.00 |
ORD304.0-115N20215499.0 | Pass vehicle/interfered with approaching traffic | $164.00 |
ORD304.0-121N20215499.0 | Stopped/slowed speed/turned from direct course/moved veh rgt/lft when unsafe | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-124N20215499.0 | Operate/transport implements of husbandry on roadway between sunset and sunrise | $114.00 |
ORD304.0-131N20215499.0 | Fail to yield after stopping to vehicle that entered intersection/so close to cause hazard | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-134N20215499.0 | Fail to stop for school bus receiving/discharging school children | $164.00 |
ORD304.0-151N20215499.0 | Person 21 years old or less operate moving motor vehicle while sending/reading/texting on mobile electronic device | $114.00 |
ORD304.0-161N20215499.0 | No headlights when required | $84.00 |
ORD304.0-162N20215499.0 | Oper mtr veh without lighted lamps during periods of fog/weather conditions | $43.50 |
ORD304.0-163N20215499.0 | Failure to dim lights | $84.00 |
ORD304.0-401N20215499.0 | Exceeded posted speed limit (1-5 mph over) | $84.00 |
ORD304.0-406N20215499.0 | Exceeded posted speed limit (6-10 mph over) | $94.00 |
ORD304.0-411N20215499.0 | Exceeded posted speed limit (11-15 mph over) | $104.00 |
ORD304.0-416N20215499.0 | Exceeded posted speed limit (16-19 mph over) | $134.00 |
ORD304.0-420N20215499.0 | Exceeded posted speed limit (20-25 mph over) | $189.00 |
ORD307.0-011N20215499.0 | Excessive noise – vehicular | $84.00 |
ORD307.0-021N20215499.0 | Defective equipment | $84.00 |
ORD307.0-022N20215499.0 | Equipment violation | $84.00 |
ORD578.0-004N20215599.0 | Animal license | $84.00 |
ORD578.0-005N20215599.0 | Animal at large | $84.00 |
ORD901.0-037N20215599.0 | Nuisance – abandoned vehicle | $84.00 |
ORD901.0-039N20215599.0 | Nuisance (violations bureau) | $134.00 |
ORD902.0-004N20215499.0 | Handicapped parking violation | $134.00 |
ORD902.0-008N20215499.0 | Parking violation | $49.00 |
ORD902.0-019N20215499.0 | Miscellaneous parking violation | $84.00 |
ORD903.0-001N20215499.0 | Bicycle violation | $49.00 |
ORD903.0-019N20215499.0 | Miscellaneous pedestrian violation | $49.00 |
ORD903.0-021N20217399.0 | No fare-transit conveyance | $58.50 |